
And Your Part in the Story

What does the Bible have to say about the Land and People of Israel in the historical plan of God?

What is the recent political and social history of the region?

What is the difference between “Israel” and “Palestine”?


One more question

What is the place and role of your
community in the story of Israel?

May I challenge you, as Mordechai challenged Esther,
that you have been appointed for such a time as this (Esther 4:14)?

Topics for sermons, classes, & workshops

Dr. Sam Richardson, M.Div., PhD, is a traditional Jewish guy who is passionate about providing communities of faith the right tools to provide future generations with the opportunity to thrive.

The Direct Biblical History of the Land and People of ISrael.
A review of modern Zionism and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
A history of the Israel-Arab conversation since 1948 and why there is not a “State of Palestine”
The history and nature of Antisemitism and Antizionism
How the Christian community can make a difference – today – as those invested in Israel’s story.
What we might expect to happen next, from geo-political theory and biblical sources.
General Questions and Answers about anything and everything Israel.